Welcome Home

To LifeHouse
Serving single women in unplanned pregnancies. We are accepting completed inquiries for our new cohort of LifeHouse women launching in 2025.

Residential Housing

LifeHouse consists of three family-style homes, each with a fully stocked kitchen and living room for you to use. As part of the family, you will have the opportunity to cook and grocery shop together, gather for family dinners, and participate in family outings.

Weekly Check-ins

Our staff will meet with you one-on-one to help you tackle any individual challenges and work with you to create a plan for your future.


We offer classes on everything from drawing and scrapbooking to healthy relationships and parenting to help prepare you for your next steps. Each class is focused on providing healing for your mind, your body, or your spirit.

Medical Assistance

Our staff will connect you with nearby doctors, help drive you to all medical appointments, and can help you obtain health insurance.

Adoption Referrals

We present adoption to every woman who comes to live with us. Should you choose to parent through adoption, we will act as your advocate and connect you with supportive agencies.

Infant Care Supplies

Prior to your delivery, you'll be able to "shop" for baby clothes and care items on our campus. Our staff will ensure you feel prepared and ready when your baby arrives!

Program Referrals

LifeHouse partners with local organizations to support other needs that may arise during your time with us. From long-term housing to mental health resources, our staff will make sure to connect you with the right agencies to meet your needs!

Care for Pregnant Women

LifeHouse provides a calm and nurturing environment for a mother and her baby. LifeHouse is a family ready to welcome a woman with open arms!

LifeHouse Program

Maternity & Family Life


LifeHouse offers a safe, dignified space for a woman to reside while pregnant, providing independent living within a community of women at various stages of their motherhood journeys. Residences are fully furnished and well maintained by program participants during their time at LifeHouse.

Educational Classes

Program participants attend weekly on-site classes that provide expertise and practical training in prenatal and postnatal care, newborn care, parenting, job readiness & job search, and health & nutrition, as well as spiritual growth and discipleship opportunities.

Core Classes

  • Spiritual Growth & Discipleship
  • Prenatal & Postnatal
  • Parenting
  • Newborn Care
  • Job Readiness
  • Job Search
  • Personal Development
  • Industry Specific Coaching
  • Nutrition & Meal Preparation
  • Individual and Group Counseling

Counseling and Case Management Services

The LifeHouse team of counselors and social workers meet weekly with program participants, supporting each woman in individual goal setting and in working through personal challenges. LifeHouse uses a holistic approach, supporting women in further stabilizing mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Job Search Coaching

After core classes are completed in Maternity Life, women begin the active, daily process of job search. LifeHouse women work to secure full-time employment within the first 4-6 weeks of the Family Life Program. Industry specific coaching by the LH team provides the crucial support needed for women to step into the workplace, earning a livable wage, further supporting her family.

Spiritual Life & Discipleship Opportunities

As a Christ-centered, Biblically rooted ministry LifeHouse values the opportunity to encourage women in their faith walks by providing weekly spiritual growth activities. Bible studies and process groups are part of the weekly rhythm of the LifeHouse program. In addition, residents are assisted in finding a local church community where they can continue to grow in Christ-centered relationships and in the knowledge of God’s word. Our deepest hope is for LifeHouse women and their children to come to a saving faith in Christ with continued opportunities to daily grow in personal relationship with Jesus.

Adoption Referrals

Should a woman choose to parent through adoption, LifeHouse will act as an advocate, connecting women with supportive agencies. Women who may choose this option will remain part of the LH community through their post-partum time.


Help for Pregnant Women
We provide services for pregnant women in need of help but not housing.
Apply Now


With a coach to help you develop and meet your goals for your life and the life of your baby.


To resources in and around Houston to help you and your baby.


With counseling to encourage you emotionally and spiritually, and life-skills classes to prepare you mentally for money management, nutrition, and baby care.

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lifeline at Lifehouse Houston

A Look Inside
